Monte Carlo experiment

The Monte Carlo experiment presented here consists of two steps: first the sampling in the SMART model parameter space, then the conditioning of the sample to select those parameter sets deemed as satisfactorily reproducing the observed river discharge.

In smartpy, the sampling generates at random a number of parameter sets that are used to run the SMART model on a given simulation period (the “calibration” period). The performance of the SMART model structure with each parameter set is assessed using one or more objective functions. These objective function values (and optionally the corresponding streamflow simulations) correspond to the sampling output.

Then, in smartpy, the conditioning selects a subset of parameter sets from the sampling based on their objective functions values. This subset of parameter sets is then used to run the SMART model on another given simulation period (the “evaluation” period, necessarily independent from the sampling period). The performance of the SMART model with this subset of parameter sets is then assessed again using one or more objective functions (not necessarily the same ones as for the conditioning). These objective function values (and optionally the corresponding streamflow simulations) correspond to the conditioning output.


smartpy only offers a Latin Hypercube approach (McKay et al., 2000) for sampling the SMART model parameter space.

Setting up

The configuration of the sampling is done as follows:

from smartpy import montecarlo

lhs = montecarlo.LHS(


The configuration of the SMART model itself, unlike for the single experiment, is done through a settings file. An example of such a settings file is available as a template in the examples/ directory.

Adjusting the parameter space

The default model parameter ranges used to define the boundaries of the Latin hypercube are accessible as follows:

>>> print(lhs.model.parameters.ranges)
{'T': (0.9, 1.1), 'C': (0.0, 1.0), 'H': (0.0, 0.3), 'D': (0.0, 1.0), 'S': (0.0, 0.013), 'Z': (15.0, 150.0), 'SK': (1.0, 240.0), 'FK': (48.0, 1440.0), 'GK': (1200.0, 4800.0), 'RK': (1.0, 96.0)}

And they can be adjusted by assigning a new dictionary to this attribute:

lhs.parameter.ranges = {
    'T': (0.9, 1.1),
    'C': (0.0, 1.0),
    'H': (0.0, 0.3),
    'D': (0.0, 1.0),
    'S': (0.0, 0.013),
    'Z': (15.0, 150.0),
    'SK': (1.0, 240.0),
    'FK': (48.0, 1440.0),
    'GK': (1200.0, 4800.0),
    'RK': (1.0, 96.0)

Defining the initial conditions

Like in the single experiment example, the “educated guess” approach can be used as follows:

lhs.model.extra = {
    'aar': 1200,
    'r-o_ratio': 0.45,
    'r-o_split': (0.10, 0.15, 0.15, 0.30, 0.30)

Also, a warm up period can be chosen in the settings file where the model is configured.


Simulating in serial

Running the sampling in the parameter space sequentially (i.e. simulating with one parameter set at a time using one process) can be done as follows:

Simulating in parallel

To start the sampling in parallel (i.e. simulating with multiple parameter sets at a time using multiple processes, the parameter parallel must be set as True in the set up step above, and all the steps presented above (including the must be saved in a Python script, say Then, this script must be executed via a mpirun command as follows (e.g. using 4 processors to initialise 4 processes):

mpirun -np 4 python


The sampling performed above will have produced an output file {root_f}/out/{catchment}.SMART.lhs (if 'csv' was chosen as the output format or {root_f}/out/{catchment} (if 'netcdf' was chosen as the output format).



A sampling output file is required to perform the conditioning step.

smartpy offers three conditioning approaches which differ in the way the parameter sets are elicited as satisfactory:

  • GLUE is based on the selection of one or more objective functions and the a priori definition of conditions (i.e. thresholds) to achieve with the model simulation on each objective function to deem the parameter set as “behavioural”;

  • Best is based on the selection of one target objective function and the a priori choice of the number of “best” performing parameter sets to retain;

  • Total is not a conditioning approach per se, as it retains all parameter sets for the simulation on the “evaluation” period. This is provided as a convenient way to offer to the user the opportunity to perform their own conditioning approach a posteriori using the streamflow simulations on the “calibration” and the “evaluation” periods obtained from the sampling and conditioning steps, respectively.

The remainder of this tutorial is based on the Best approach.

Setting up

The configuration of the conditioning is done as follows:

from smartpy import montecarlo


For example, here the two best performing parameter sets amongst the ten sets sampled are selected based on their Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) values.


The catchment and root_f must be the same between the sampling and the conditioning steps. In addition, the out_format of the sampling step must be the sme as the in_format of the conditioning step.

Defining the initial conditions

The initial conditions can be defined the same way they are in the sampling step above.


The simulations can be performed the same way they are in the sampling step above.


The conditioning performed above will have produced an output file {root_f}/out/{catchment} (if 'csv' was chosen as the output format or {root_f}/out/{catchment} (if 'netcdf' was chosen as the output format).