
If you wish to install the most recent stable version of smartpy, it is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI), simply run:

pip install smartpy

If you need the latest, potentially unstable, features listed in the change log, please use the dev branch on the GitHub repository:

pip install git+


The following packages are required to use smartpy:


Optional dependency for input/output

smartpy is designed to read/write CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files and NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) input/output files. However, only CSV files can natively be read/written in Python.

To read/write NetCDF files, the netCDF4 python package is required (specific pre-requisites prior the installation of netCDF4 exist and can be found at

Optional dependencies for Monte Carlo experiments

The module smartpy.montecarlo requires the spotpy Python package to perform the sampling required for Monte Carlo experiments (

In addition, if this sampling is to be done in parallel, the mpi4py Python package is also required (

Optional dependency for performance improvement

smartpy features a separate accelerator extension written in C++, smartcpp ( that will be automatically used if it is installed alongside smartpy. Using smartcpp can significantly improve the execution time.