
Here is a simple example of the usage of the API of eflowcalc to calculate streamflow characteristics (SFCs) from streamflow time series.

Importing the package and checking its version.
>>> import eflowcalc
>>> print(eflowcalc.__version__)

Load streamflow time series

An example file is provided in the folder sample_data/ in order for anyone to reproduce this tutorial. Because this is a NetCDF file, we are going to use the Python package netCDF4, but eflowcalc is independent of the file format you are working with because it only requires numpy arrays as inputs for streamflow time series and datetime series. The datetime series must be made of datetime objects from the datetime package.

Reading in the streamflow dataset.
>>> from netCDF4 import Dataset
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> with Dataset('sample_data/catchment.sim.flow.nc', 'r', format='NETCDF4') as f:
...     streamflow = f.variables['flow'][:]  # streamflow time series
...     timestamps = f.variables['time'][:]  # timestamp series for the period
...     time_units = f.variables['time'].units
>>> print(streamflow.shape, timestamps.shape)
(20, 4383) (4383,)

In NetCDF files, the time dimension is stored as numerics representing times elapsed since a reference time (timestamps), but eflowcalc requires datetime objects, so we need to convert the timestamps to datetimes first.

Converting timestamps to datetimes.
>>> import cftime
>>> print(timestamps[0], timestamps[-1])
1096588800.0 1475193600.0
>>> print(time_units)
seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.0
>>> datetimes = cftime.num2date(timestamps, time_units)
>>> print(datetimes[0], datetimes[-1])
2004-10-01 00:00:00 2016-09-30 00:00:00

Calculate one or more streamflow characteristics

Now that the dataset is loaded in memory, it is time to use eflowcalc to calculate the streamflow characteristics from the hydrograph(s). To do so, import eflowcalc, which will give you access to its calculator Python function as well as all streamflow characteristics implemented in eflowcalc (as Python functions as well).

By default, eflowcalc expects the time dimension to be on axis=0. In this example, this is not the case, so we need to specify explicitly that it is on axis=1.

Calculating only one streamflow characteristic (e.g. ma41 here).
>>> from eflowcalc import calculator, ma41
>>> my_sfc = calculator(ma41, datetimes, streamflow, 1246, axis=1)
>>> print(my_sfc[0])
Calculating multiple streamflow characteristics at once.
>>> from eflowcalc import calculator, ma41, dh4, ra7
>>> my_sfcs = calculator((ma41, dh4, ra7), datetimes, streamflow, 1246, axis=1)
>>> print(my_sfcs[0, :])
[3.0712057e-03 8.4707642e+00 3.3340059e-02]

It is important to be aware that eflowcalc requires strictly continuous time series of daily streamflow. Moreover, all streamflow characteristics are only computed on full hydrological years (it will automatically trim the head and tail of the time series to guarantee so). By default, a hydrological year starts on the 1st of October, which is commonly the case in the Northern hemisphere. However, it can be changed to suit any location using the keyword argument hydro_year. For example, if working on a catchment in the Southern hemisphere, it is likely that the hydrological year starts on the 1st of July, see example below.

Changing the definition for the hydrological year.
>>> from eflowcalc import calculator, ma41
>>> my_sfc = calculator(ma41, datetimes, streamflow, 1246, hydro_year='01/07', axis=1)
>>> print(my_sfc[0])