- eflowcalc.calculator(sfcs, datetimes, streamflows, drainage_area, hydro_year='01/10', years=None, axis=0)
Calculate streamflow characteristics for one time series stored in a 1D array (or several time series of equal length stored in a 2D array). Typically used for streamflow time series for a same period and for a same catchment.
- Parameters
- sfcs: (sequence of)
SFC functions The (sequence of) streamflow characteristic(s) to be calculated for the given streamflows series.
Parameter example:
Parameter example:
sfcs=(ma41, dh4, ra7)
Parameter example:
- datetimes: array-like object
The array of datetimes corresponding to the date and time of the streamflows values. Must be uni-dimensional.
- streamflows: array-like object
The array of daily streamflow values in cubic metres per second on which to calculate the given sfcs. Note, the array can be one- or two-dimensional. If it is 2D, the time dimension must be the one specified through axis.
- drainage_area:
The drainage area of the catchment in square kilometres for which streamflows are provided.
- hydro_year:
, optional The day and month of the beginning of the hydrological (or water) year. Typically ‘01/10’ (i.e. 1st of October) for the Northern Hemisphere, and ‘01/07’ (i.e. 1st of July) for the Southern Hemisphere. If not provided, set to default value ‘01/10’.
- years: sequence of
, optional A sequence of years to use to subset the streamflows series. If not provided, no subset is carried out and the whole series is considered by the calculator.
- axis:
, optional The axis along which the streamflows time dimension is if streamflows is a 2D array. If not provided, set to default value 0 (i.e. time along first axis).
- sfcs: (sequence of)
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> times = [datetime(2010, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=d) for d in range(3652)] >>> import numpy >>> numpy.random.seed(7) >>> flows = numpy.random.uniform(3, 50, 3652) >>> import eflowcalc as efc >>> print(efc.calculator(efc.ma1, times, flows, drainage_area=147.)) [26.29431] >>> print(efc.calculator([efc.ma1, efc.dh7], times, flows, drainage_area=147.)) [[26.29431 ] [ 2.8495195]]
Computations on multiple streamflow series at once are possible.
>>> flows = numpy.random.uniform(3, 50, (3652, 3)) >>> print(efc.calculator([efc.ma1, efc.dh7], times, flows, drainage_area=147.)) [[26.548698 26.465912 26.271872 ] [ 2.4092593 2.8745487 2.2962854]] >>> flows = numpy.random.uniform(3, 50, (3, 3652)) >>> print(efc.calculator([efc.ma1, efc.dh7], times, flows, drainage_area=147., axis=1)) [[26.409723 4.8691554] [26.398853 3.6545587] [26.251245 3.4656363]]