Here is a simple example of the usage of the API of hydroeval
assess the goodness of fit between simulated and observed streamflow
time series.
>>> import hydroeval
>>> print(hydroeval.__version__)
Load streamflow time series
Example files are provided in the folder sample_data/ in order for anyone
to reproduce this tutorial. Because this is a NetCDF file, we are going
to use the Python package netCDF4
to read the data in, but hydroeval
is independent of the file format you are working with because it only
requires numpy.ndarray
as inputs for streamflow time series.
>>> from netCDF4 import Dataset
>>> from cfunits import Units
>>> with Dataset('sample_data/catchment.sim.flow.nc', 'r', format='NETCDF4') as f:
... sim_flow = f.variables['flow'][:] # ensemble of simulated streamflow series
... sim_flow_units = Units(f.variables['flow'].units)
... sim_time = f.variables['time'][:] # timestamps for simulated period
... sim_time_units = Units(f.variables['time'].units, f.variables['time'].calendar)
>>> print(sim_flow.shape, sim_time.shape)
(20, 4383) (4383,)
>>> with Dataset('sample_data/catchment.obs.flow.nc', 'r', format='NETCDF4') as f:
... obs_flow = f.variables['flow'][:] # observed streamflow series
... obs_flow_units = Units(f.variables['flow'].units)
... obs_time = f.variables['time'][:] # timestamps for observed period
... obs_time_units = Units(f.variables['time'].units, f.variables['time'].calendar)
>>> print(obs_flow.shape, obs_time.shape)
(4383,) (4383,)
It can be a good idea to check that the simulated and observed datasets
feature the same units. To do so, we are going to use the instantiation
of cfunits.Units
as done above to compare the units.
>>> sim_flow_units.equals(obs_flow_units)
>>> sim_time_units.equals(obs_time_units)
It is also useful to check that the datasets are actually covering the same period, which can be safely done on the timestamps now we know that the units are equal.
Calculate any available objective function
Now that the dataset is loaded in memory, it is time to use hydroeval
to compare the simulated and observed hydrograph(s). To do so, import
, which will give you access to its evaluator
Python function as well as all objective functions implemented
in hydroeval
(as Python functions as well).
By default, hydroeval
expects the time dimension to be on axis=0
In this example, this is not the case, so we need to specify explicitly
that it is on axis=1
For single-component objective functions such as nse
, the value returned
is either a scalar if only one simulation time series is evaluated, or
a 1-dimensional numpy.ndarray
if the several simulation time series are
.>>> from hydroeval import evaluator, nse
>>> my_nse = evaluator(nse, sim_flow, obs_flow, axis=1)
>>> print(my_nse.shape)
>>> print(my_nse[0])
performs pairwise deletion
when missing values in the observed streamflow timeseries occur. Missing
values should be set to numpy.nan
(Not A Number) in the observed numpy
array for hydroeval
to be aware of the positions of the values to
pairwise delete in both observed and simulated time series.
For multi-component objective functions such as kge
and its variants,
the orientation of the input array is preserved in the output array
(i.e. the time dimension will be reduced to the number of components
in the objective function).
on inverse-transformed flows.>>> from hydroeval import evaluator, kge
>>> my_kge = evaluator(kge, sim_flow, obs_flow, axis=1, transform='inv')
>>> print(my_kge.shape)
(20, 4)
>>> print(my_kge[0, :])
[0.72655082 0.84278148 0.95663804 1.21949153]